Prosty jak woda i sok, saft, woda z sokiem, smakuje jak letnie wakacje u babci. Robie sobie w dzbanku ulubiony napój szwedzkich dzieciaków i dorosłych, wodę z sokiem. Ma cień smaku, który pamiętam z niewiadomokiedy, ale sprawia, że czuję się dobrze. Proste.
Simple as water and syrup, water and syrup, tastes like summer vacation at gradma's. I make it in a pitcher, this favourite drink of Swedish kids and grownups, water with syrup. It has a shade of taste that I remember from Idontknowwhen, and it makes me feel good. As easy as that.
fredag 30 maj 2008
måndag 26 maj 2008
fredag 23 maj 2008
That's good enough for me
Think what a week. One of my sweet, darling forever-friends has moved to her very own house, one has announced having a 12 week baby grain in her tummy, one is on the flight to a foreign, beautiful dramatic city because she is brave and decided to leave it all and be with her lover. If I ever prayed, I would today for luck and love for them all (and myself!). I do not pray, I blog instead. Should do.
As for me, I watched Samotnosc w sieci. A Polish movie in which shower cabins are clean, couples drive coupe in Paris and there is internet reception on the flights over the Atlantic.
Maybe it's not much compared to my friends, but my news of the week is that I still have a great nose for shit and pretention. The amounts of both were utterly untolerable in that movie. Good enough. And good night.
As for me, I watched Samotnosc w sieci. A Polish movie in which shower cabins are clean, couples drive coupe in Paris and there is internet reception on the flights over the Atlantic.
Maybe it's not much compared to my friends, but my news of the week is that I still have a great nose for shit and pretention. The amounts of both were utterly untolerable in that movie. Good enough. And good night.
tisdag 20 maj 2008
Times of change - eller nu talar vi bara svenska hemma hos oss
M, porozbijana małymi słuzbowymi frustracjami, jak równiez radością z posiadania trzydziestolatka u swojego boku, powraca. Sztokholm pozazdrościł południu Europy i się zazielenił. Życiowe zmiany jednego rodzaju ustępują miejsca innym. To się nazywa ustalanie priorytetów! Po wakacjach idziemy do banku.
Nadszedł również długo wyczekiwany przez wielu dzień: M postanowiła uczynić język szwedzki swoim drugim językiem! Od wczoraj mówimy w domu wyłącznie på svenska! Co do drugiego języka tego bloga - zobaczymy! Ha!
M, broken after small professional frustrations and also by the joy of a having a thirty-year-old at home - is back! Stockholm got jealous of the Souhtern Europe and decided to get green. Life changes of one kind make space for another. That is what I call prioritising! We are going to see some bank people after the holidays.
Also, the long awaited day finally came: M has decided to make Swedish her second language! We speak only Swedish at home since yesterday! We will see about the second language of this blog, though!
Nadszedł również długo wyczekiwany przez wielu dzień: M postanowiła uczynić język szwedzki swoim drugim językiem! Od wczoraj mówimy w domu wyłącznie på svenska! Co do drugiego języka tego bloga - zobaczymy! Ha!
M, broken after small professional frustrations and also by the joy of a having a thirty-year-old at home - is back! Stockholm got jealous of the Souhtern Europe and decided to get green. Life changes of one kind make space for another. That is what I call prioritising! We are going to see some bank people after the holidays.
Also, the long awaited day finally came: M has decided to make Swedish her second language! We speak only Swedish at home since yesterday! We will see about the second language of this blog, though!
måndag 12 maj 2008
lördag 3 maj 2008
The princess of kitsch is wearing a crooked crown
Zabawiam się od kilku (wolnych!) dni layoutem MinStockholm i oto rezultat: zgrzytliwie tandetny headline! Zastosowałam go i pozwoliłam zdobić mój skandynawski blog przez dwie minuty. Korona królewny dobrego smaku mocno przekrzywiona. Przy najbliższej okazji zamówię sobie layout u Marimekko, a swoje usługi zaproponuje nastolatkom z wysmarowanymi na czarno gotyckimi powiekami.
I have been fiddling with the layout of MinStockholm and here is the result: my painfully kitschy headline! I uploaded it and let it beautify my Scandinavian blog for some two minutes. The crown of good taste princess is dangerously crooked. I am ordering the new layout at some of Marimekko designers, and offering my services to goth teenagers instead.
I have been fiddling with the layout of MinStockholm and here is the result: my painfully kitschy headline! I uploaded it and let it beautify my Scandinavian blog for some two minutes. The crown of good taste princess is dangerously crooked. I am ordering the new layout at some of Marimekko designers, and offering my services to goth teenagers instead.

fredag 2 maj 2008
The witch grows her herbs herself
Jeśli tego szczęścia byłoby mało, oto następna dobra wiadomość: większa czcionka. Ha! Miłego czytania!
The herbs grew! Everything thanks to the incredible amounts of the Scandinavian sun and despite my fingers digging in the pots. See, here is the basil in the foreground, the first one that took the challenge and grew a stalk from the insides of the dark, dark soil.
If that's too little to be happy about, here is more: a bigger type! Have a good reading!
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