måndag 12 november 2007

So here it comes

Plan sprzed kilku lat był następujący: codziennie w kalendarzu jedno zdanie na temat każdego dnia, coś potencjalnie niewartego zapamiętania. Cel: sprawdzenie, czy będę te rzeczy pamiętać. Zadziałało: pamiętam dźwięk kolczyków turkusowymi kamykami wokół uszu, pamiętam, o czyich urodzinach zapomniałam w 2005 roku (tak, R, o twoich) i wiele innych rzeczy. Zapiski niespecjalnie osobiste. Taka gra pamięci. So here it comes: MinStockholm, M in Stockholm. Blog.


The plan from a couple of years ago was simple: an everyday note in the calendar about the day that passed, something completely not worth remebering. The aim: to check if I will actually remember those things. And so it worked: I remembered the sound of turkoise earrings round my ears and whose birthday I managed to forget in 2005 (yes, R, yours) and much, much more. The notes were not particularly personal. Rather a memory game. So here it comes: MinStockholm, M in Stockholm. The blog!

3 kommentarer:

Vítor Vilar sa...

I wish you the best of luck for this quest. Writting a blog, can mean a lot of work, stress, (sometimes) pain. But as a reader from your blog, i can't expect nothing but a tremendous joy, for having a couple of eyes over stockholm.

Cheers and keep posting.


Ulli sa...

Cool!! Welcome to the (bizarre) world of blogging!

By the way, I admire your ambition to write both in Polish and English. I've been thinking about bilingualism very often but apart from very view monolingual posts in German this has (during more than four years) never gone beyond the "one-should-do-it-some-day" state...

Are your English texts "just" the summaries of your Polish entries or is it anything else/additional?

M in Stockholm sa...

thanks for the feedback, Ulli! i also admire my ambition of writing in two languages, waiting for the ghost of laziness to haunt me. oh im sure it will!
the english posts are summaries of the polish ones. i supposed not just everyone i know speaks good polish just yet. yet!