tisdag 29 januari 2008
Jestem z powrotem na sofie, w szarym swetrze połykam zieloną herbatę, po blisko tygodniu w mieście deszczy i neonów. Dania co roku zdobywa inną część mojego serca, choć nie da się ukryć, że zwłaszcza rejony hotelu Du Nord, w którym tradycyjnie zajęłam klitkę numer 201 z widokiem na studnię podwórka, są raczej przeznaczone dla amatorów alternatywnego stosunku do piękna. Ulica, przy której leży hotel zaczyna się gmachem dworca centralnego, biegnie wzdłuż bułgarskich prostytutek, mija skep Erotic Lifestyle i zawija wokół ceglanego kościoła. Ma wszystko, czego brak w Sztokholmie (czyli ciekawy dworzec, panienki na ulicach i kościół). Nic to, było fajnie. Największe przeżycie to zobaczenie z bliska Riket z serialu von Triera: wstrętny gmach szpitala z duchami w windach podziwiałam z okien restauracji, w której jedliśmy niedzielną kolację.
I am back to my sofa, wearing a grey jumper I am sipping my green tea, after almost a week in the city of rain and neons. Denmark wins another part of my heart each year I go there, although the area of the Hotel Du Nord, where I usually rent room 201, belongs to the fans of the alternative kind of beauty. The street where the hotel is situated runs along the Bulgarian prostitutes, passes Erotic Lifestyle store and ends at the church, which means it has all that Stockholm doesn't. Anyway, I had fun. The best part was seeing the Riket hospital from Lars von Trier's series: a horrible buiding of the hospital with ghosts in the elevators could be seen from the restaurant where I had my Sunday dinner.
I am back to my sofa, wearing a grey jumper I am sipping my green tea, after almost a week in the city of rain and neons. Denmark wins another part of my heart each year I go there, although the area of the Hotel Du Nord, where I usually rent room 201, belongs to the fans of the alternative kind of beauty. The street where the hotel is situated runs along the Bulgarian prostitutes, passes Erotic Lifestyle store and ends at the church, which means it has all that Stockholm doesn't. Anyway, I had fun. The best part was seeing the Riket hospital from Lars von Trier's series: a horrible buiding of the hospital with ghosts in the elevators could be seen from the restaurant where I had my Sunday dinner.
tisdag 22 januari 2008
M in Copenhagen
I'm taking off to wonderful Copenhagen tomorrow. I like Copenhagen, it is the least Scandinavian of the Scandinavian capitals, smoking is probably prohibited only in the nurseries and guys actually notice you when you walk all pretty in the street (in Stockholm, M is invisible for most of them). Nice (the latter part, I mean, the cigarettes are a shame). I hope for sun and at least nice gallery visit. Shopping not allowed this year, since I put a ban on my wallet and will not allow myself to buy any clothes until I regain control over the part of my brain that manages "I so want this skirt/top/purse/scarf" reflexes. Which means never.
lördag 19 januari 2008
Memyself&I, the favourite topic
fredag 18 januari 2008
I love this kind of awful buildings. The first one on the beach in Roztock, a monster grown among romantic villas, the other one is overlooking the cliffs of Kungsholmen in Stockholm. I imagine, for some inexplicable reason, that the resorts in Bulgaria are just full of this kind of nightmares. Is there anybody out there who can verify my conviction? I am almost ready to go there and let myself (and the camera lense) find out. Well, sleep tight cats, and have a long, lazy morning tomorrow, with strong coffee - no milk for me!
måndag 14 januari 2008
Fokus krótkowidza
Some games with the new camera and I am finally able to express how I can see the world. Without glasses/lenses minus three coma seventy five, only things that are closest are perfectly sharp. Letters in a book, the beloved one's nose. For the wellsighted - that is how we, glassbearers see the world. Just like at the picture, we are used to the blurry perspective. Quite tiring, in fact. Does it influence the personality? I wonder.
söndag 13 januari 2008
Software fun
torsdag 10 januari 2008
Surreal, not nice
Gołębie wylatujące z tunelu na stacji metra Östermalmstorg to paskudny widok. Goniły się jak w amoku, większość podróżnych odruchowo schowała głowę w ramionach. A one przeleciały nad nami i poleciały do góry, tunelem ruchomych schodów. Do wyjścia. Pozostawiając po sobie nieprzyjemne, surrealne wrażenie.
Two pigeons flying out of the metro tunnel at Östermalmstorg today in the morning were no pleasant view. They chased each other madly, most of the travellers hid their heads in their arms. And they just flew above, and up towards the exit through the escalator tunnel. Leaving an unpleasant, surreal impression.
Two pigeons flying out of the metro tunnel at Östermalmstorg today in the morning were no pleasant view. They chased each other madly, most of the travellers hid their heads in their arms. And they just flew above, and up towards the exit through the escalator tunnel. Leaving an unpleasant, surreal impression.
söndag 6 januari 2008
The beach out of reach

I have a splendid new camera and hate Stockholm, refuse to take pictures of it. The city is covered with "slask", a mixture of melting snow and gravel. Stockholm is hell.
Enjoy the place to be now. El Gouna, a lagoon resort. Two weeks there with my eyes either towards the water, or in the mask, trying to trace the Picasso fish I love.
One more week without the sun in this grave city and I'm a applying for a cleaner job at the dive centre anywhere at the Red Sea. See you there.
fredag 4 januari 2008
Oh what a world
"Men reading fashion magazines/Oh what a world/It seems we live in/Straight man/Oh what a world/We live in/Why am I always on a plane or a fast train/Oh what a world my parents gave me/Always travelin' but not in love" - ulubiona piosenka pana Rufusa (cudowne imię) Wainwrighta skojarzona z tym, co powiedziała M widząc mnie piszącą bloga wczorajszego wieczora: "Oh what a world it seems we live in. Piszesz pamiętnik, dajesz do przeczytania wszystkim. Kiedyś chowałyśmy pamiętniczki pod materacem, żeby ich matka nie znalazła". Oh, well. Men reading fashion magazines! Co jest bardziej symbolem czasu, w którym żyjemy, publiczny pamiętniczek czy oni, straight men reading fashion magazines?
''Men reading fashion magazines/Oh what a world/It seems we live in/Straight man/Oh what a world/We live in/Why am I always on a plane or a fast train/Oh what a world my parents gave me/Always travelin' but not in love'' - the favourite Rufus (what a lovely name!) Wainwright's song associates in a great way with what M said yesterday seeing me write a blog post last night: "Oh what a world it seems we live in. You write a diary that everyone can read! Once we used to hide them from our mothers under the bed madrasses". Oh, well. Men reading fashion magazines! What is a greater sign of the times we live in: a public diary or them, straight men reading fashion magazines?
''Men reading fashion magazines/Oh what a world/It seems we live in/Straight man/Oh what a world/We live in/Why am I always on a plane or a fast train/Oh what a world my parents gave me/Always travelin' but not in love'' - the favourite Rufus (what a lovely name!) Wainwright's song associates in a great way with what M said yesterday seeing me write a blog post last night: "Oh what a world it seems we live in. You write a diary that everyone can read! Once we used to hide them from our mothers under the bed madrasses". Oh, well. Men reading fashion magazines! What is a greater sign of the times we live in: a public diary or them, straight men reading fashion magazines?
torsdag 3 januari 2008
The first snow came tonight
Pierwszy śnieg z mrozem pokrył dziś w nocy Sztokholm. Nie zauważyłam go, rozbijając się w porannej ciemności po mieszkaniu, zarejestrowałam dopiero poślizg przed wejściem z domu. Nie noście w sztokholmskim puchu nike'ów za kostkę, mają straszliwe, zdradliwe podeszwy. Zlapałam równowagę, której wystarczyło do końca dnia.
Śniegu natomiast wystarczy do marca, tak przewiduję. Będzie dopadywał, dosypywany przez mściwych anielskich asystentów, aż będę miała marcowe łzy desperacji w oczach. Dopiero te stopią śnieg. Na razie jest jednak pięknie, może nawet tak, jak w Poznaniu :).
The first frosty snow covered Stockholm tonight. I did not notice it while rumbling around the dark apartment in the morning, registered while I slid on it in front of my house. Do not wear ankle high nikes, they have nasty, deceitful soles. I managed to catch a balance, though, enough of it until the end of the day.
There will be also enough snow until the end of March, I bet. More and more will fall, spread on our heads by nasty, revange-loving angel assistants, until they will see tears of desparation in my eyes. These will melt the snow. But right now, it is beautiful outside. Maybe even as beautiful as in Poznan :).
Śniegu natomiast wystarczy do marca, tak przewiduję. Będzie dopadywał, dosypywany przez mściwych anielskich asystentów, aż będę miała marcowe łzy desperacji w oczach. Dopiero te stopią śnieg. Na razie jest jednak pięknie, może nawet tak, jak w Poznaniu :).
The first frosty snow covered Stockholm tonight. I did not notice it while rumbling around the dark apartment in the morning, registered while I slid on it in front of my house. Do not wear ankle high nikes, they have nasty, deceitful soles. I managed to catch a balance, though, enough of it until the end of the day.
There will be also enough snow until the end of March, I bet. More and more will fall, spread on our heads by nasty, revange-loving angel assistants, until they will see tears of desparation in my eyes. These will melt the snow. But right now, it is beautiful outside. Maybe even as beautiful as in Poznan :).
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