onsdag 30 april 2008

The pagans light the fires, the socialists iron the flags

Whatever the weather is on April 29th, on the 30 towards the evening we are doomed anyway. There is no such a thing as a bright, warm evening of the Walpurgi's night, the night when we Scandinavians say goodbye to the wintertime. Yes, it IS one month after the actual beginning of spring. Everywhere else, not here.

Passed days were incredible. Made me paint my toe nails red (read: ready to wear sandals!). Made me go and get a set of super expensive and simply fabulous contact lenses so that I can use my sunglasses again after the whole winter of eye trouble. Made me stretch my arm while biking to run the warm, smooth air between my fingers.

Tonight is rainy and we are sitting in. Did not go to see the fires that are lit everywhere in the city by its pagan inhabitants. The tradition of the Enclosure of the Fallen is followed by the return of the light which is expected tomorrow (yes!).

I know people that actually think about going for the First of May demonstration. We live in the only truly, madly, deeply socialist-pagan society of the world, let me tell you.

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