tisdag 8 april 2008


I realised I can only speak one language: Polish.

Which sounds (reads) ridiculous, since it's written in English. If you heard me say that, though, you would hear that: I can only speak one language, my first and only Polish. To make things worse, it is a standard television Polish, a boring, "I come from nowhere" kind of Polish, a language that originates in my strict linguistic upbringing (two linguists at home) and leads to nowhere.

I am so jealous of dialects. In Sweden, everyone's language is from somewhere, it reveals where you come from in the first sentence you say. You are from Gotland, Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo and EVERYBORDY knows. Think what amazing kind of sense of belonging it creates if it sounds in every word you say. Inevitable business cards you give away with your first hellos: the way you pronounce certain consonents, how your grammar varies, how you vowels sing or lie flat because they are made of wood. I love that.

I am jealous of people who can do dialects. I am jealous of L and his Gotlandic, I am jealous of how proud he is to speak the dialect considered the prettiest (hmmm...).

I am jealous of L who can do any English dialect he likes, not to mention the certain actor whose Scottish is equally sexy as it is annoying when Billy Connolly speaks it, but most importantly, tells everyone where he comes from.

I would like that for myself. Instead, I speak Polish from nowhere, English from Poland with ambition to sound like Rachel Green from Friends, and a particular hybrid of Swedish, resulting from the two languages mentioned above. It makes me feel very unparticular, mellow and avrage. And who wants to feel like that?

2 kommentarer:

Ulli sa...

I have ambivalent feelings about this topic. I understand how you reason about it, yet I’d be happy to walk in your shoes. I mean who wants to be identified as German irrespective of the language that you speak? I’d prefer to have a more neutral pronunciation. But I guess it’s also like in many other parts of life. You always desire things pretty much that you don’t have yourself...

M in Stockholm sa...

yeah, true. i guess the whole thing originates in a very uninteresting city i come from. no dialect, no attractions, no perspectives. i guess i would like to come from a place that is recognized. that i could be proud on.
how i speak foreign languages. i am just NOT HAPPY about it! ha!