måndag 8 september 2008

Ecobanana trip

For professional reason I read 20 articles about 20 different countries and their tourist attractions over the weekend. I love reading travel magazines, especially since I begun to travel "for real", since going to Asia or the US is within my reach. Swedish travel magazines, with their pure Scandinavian approach to aestheitcs, are simply beautiful. I was supposed to choose the most beautiful of all, the most inspiring, new, exciting. Showing new perspectives on the destination presented, new view on travelling in general. And what? And it's not easy at all.

Because I saw articles with photographs and descriptions of places that will simply disappear if we keep going there. Like the last secret of Thailand, Koh Phayam, where you won't pay with your Visa card and can only use electricity between 5 and 10 pm. It's not staying like that for much longer, I am sure. I already want to go to Koh Phayam!

I chose an article about enviromentally friendly train trips in one of the European countries. It's exotic, because noone has travelled there like that for years and years.

I am aware that I am more aware because I live in Sweden and follow the trends in travel trade with a slightly bigger curiosity than the avrage charter-Svensson does. I don't even wanna go on a train trip! But it really does not matter. Ecological bananas only recently started to taste good.

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