fredag 4 januari 2008

Oh what a world

"Men reading fashion magazines/Oh what a world/It seems we live in/Straight man/Oh what a world/We live in/Why am I always on a plane or a fast train/Oh what a world my parents gave me/Always travelin' but not in love" - ulubiona piosenka pana Rufusa (cudowne imię) Wainwrighta skojarzona z tym, co powiedziała M widząc mnie piszącą bloga wczorajszego wieczora: "Oh what a world it seems we live in. Piszesz pamiętnik, dajesz do przeczytania wszystkim. Kiedyś chowałyśmy pamiętniczki pod materacem, żeby ich matka nie znalazła". Oh, well. Men reading fashion magazines! Co jest bardziej symbolem czasu, w którym żyjemy, publiczny pamiętniczek czy oni, straight men reading fashion magazines?


''Men reading fashion magazines/Oh what a world/It seems we live in/Straight man/Oh what a world/We live in/Why am I always on a plane or a fast train/Oh what a world my parents gave me/Always travelin' but not in love'' - the favourite Rufus (what a lovely name!) Wainwright's song associates in a great way with what M said yesterday seeing me write a blog post last night: "Oh what a world it seems we live in. You write a diary that everyone can read! Once we used to hide them from our mothers under the bed madrasses". Oh, well. Men reading fashion magazines! What is a greater sign of the times we live in: a public diary or them, straight men reading fashion magazines?

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